Jeff Koinange And Family Spend Half A Million For Funeral Anniversary Celebration.

Jeff Koinange
Jeff Koinange

The family of the late cabinet minister Mbiyu Koinange has honoured their patriach who died on September 3, 1981. At the same time they took their space to celebrate their late mother’s passing, Damaris Wambui who passed on in August 18, 2011.

According to advertisement cost by the standard, a whole page costs Kshs. 500,000 to advertise anything. And that is exactly what the Koinange’s had to pay to own the page for celebrating the funeral anniversaries of their parents.

“A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure. In the depth of a fierce furnace, the ashes settle out to which we find beauty for ashes.

“The quality of my parents remains loud in their dreams, goal and the aspirations they set out not only for themselves but for their family and beyond,” the message about Mbiyu read.

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