Journalists Attacked By Rogue Landlord

Journalists with cameras
Journalists with cameras

A landlord and his family attacked Kiambu-based journalists in Kabete constituency after their five-story apartment under construction collapsed.

The incident left one part of the building hanging, putting the lives of the landlord’s neighbours in danger.

The journalists, who were filming the entire ordeal on assignment, were approached by the family members who lashed out at them.

They demanded that the journalists leave the premises and tried to grab part of the equipment but the scribes resisted.

The family then landed heavy blows on the journalists who tried to flee for safety. Fortunately, police officers arrived quickly to calm the situation.

Journalists have recently been victims of attacks while carrying out their assignments.

On Saturday, April 24, police officers beat and injured nine journalists in Embu County who were covering a story on evictions of families from a disputed land.




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