Kenya Reopens Museums After Closure For 7 Months


Culture and Heritage PS Josephta Mukobe declared that The National Museums would reopen all heritage sites across the country on Monday, September 13, 2020.

Speaking during a tour of cultural sites in Malindi, Lamu County, she said tourists would be required to follow all Covid-19 safety guidelines including face wearing of masks, sanitizing and maintaining social distance.

“We have written to the Ministry of Health, now that we cannot close forever. Life must continue and we must find ways to work with Covid-19,” she explained.

Many exhibits on display in museums in Kenya reflect the material culture of the different ancient cultures in the sense in which the items are used.

Some of the exhibits, other than the items on display, are also used as venues for weddings, meetings, and film productions.

Kenya has also embarked on the construction of an underwater museum on the coast which is scheduled to be completed in 2022, as the government aims to attract more tourists to the country.

The museum will be the first in sub-Saharan Africa and will serve as an underwater archaeology education centre for Africa.


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