Kenyan Atheist; Schools men on surving domestic violence!

20191212 101108
20191212 101108

The chairman of the Kenyan atheists society, Harrison Mumia is not a happy man, why would a man take his life after stomaching too much violence? Why won’t you just walk away after a failed marriage? These are some of the clear questions that one would highlight from his Facebook rant. . He wrote

Litsen men, kujeni hapa!

I would never commit suicide because of a marriage or relationship in which I am not happy. Or am facing persistent abuse. I speak from some experience. I will never allow it. Neither should you. I am speaking to you men. Kwanza you men who keep splashing pictures of your partners and wives on Social Media, you are so in love then you can not leave her because she is your wife, the mother of your children.

I know some men take marriage and relationships to be do or die matters. Till death do you part. You are a man, married in a church, your pastor knows you are married, everyone knows that you are a husband and father and your identity as a married man is very IMPORTANT. Rubbish!

Fellow men, please …

Leave that abusive woman. Leave her now. She is making you depressed. She calls you names. She insults you in front of your children. She tortures you. She talks ill of you 24/7. Leave her. Don’t worry about image and the children and money. These things can be sorted out later. Leave her. Go get a room somewhere and live in peace as you figure out what to do next.

Your life is more importantly than the image of a husband. Or a married man.


As opposed to the polular violence against women, violence against men is on arise and we indeed need to be our brother’s keepers.

Domestic violence must stop!

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