Kenya’s dusk to dawn curfew extended by another 21 days.


Kenya’s dusk to dawn curfew extended by another 21 days by president Uhuru.

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Saturday extended the nationwide dusk-to-dawn curfew as well as the ban on movement in and out of the Nairobi Metropolitan area and the counties of Kilifi, Kwale and Mombasa by 21 more days.

“The cessation of movement into and out of the Nairobi Metropolitan area and the counties of Kilifi, Kwale and Mombasa that are currently in force shall be extended for a further containment period of 21 days,”. “The nationwide dusk-to-dawn curfew that is currently in force shall also be extended for a further period of 21 days.” he said.

He said that the extension is to help curb the spread of Coronavirus. He also urged Kenyans to remain disciplined and follow government directives.

“I want to be categorical and re-emphasize that I will not delay in de-escalating the measures that I am announcing today the moment our experts, because it is they in whom we should trust, inform us that the risks have reduced significantly on the basis of how we, as governments – national and counties – and also as individual citizens shall respond to the directions that are given by our experts,” he said.

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