Kezia Obama Stepmother To Former US President Barack Obama Dies

Kezia Obama with former US president Barack Obama
Kezia Obama with former US president Barack Obama

The kenyan stepmom to former US President Barack Obama has died after a long illness.

The reports of her demise were confirmed by one of her grandchildren based in Dubai. Kezia Obama was the first wife of Barack Hussein Obama Senior and mother to Rita Auma Obama and Malik Obama.

The sad news comes at a time the Obama family is still recovering from the death of Mama Sarah Obama after succumbing to a long illness at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital.

The 81-year-old Kezia was granted British citizenship in 2011 and had been residing in Berkshire, England.

She on numerous occasions, has spoken in the adulation of the achievements of Barack Obama Jnr.

She once defended Obama from receiving critics after he was awarded nobel peace prize in his first year at the white house as a president.

Kezia Obama with former US president Barack Obama
Kezia Obama with former US president Barack Obama

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