KRA To Collect Revenue in Nairobi


KRA has taken over the collection of taxes in Nairobi after the principal collector was gazetted on Friday.

This came as part of the implementation of the transfer of county functions into the government.

Kenya Revenue authority will start managing city hall by 16th of march for the remaining 2years of government.

In accordance with the Public finance Management Act of 2012, the Nairobi county government appointed KRA as the principal-agent for revenue collection for all the county revenue.

The move came shortly after the gazettement of Mr. Igambi by Governor Mike Sonko as the substantive Finance CEC, replacing Pauline Kahiga.

“We will work closely with KRA and do everything necessary to help the agency carry on the process without any problems”, said Igambi.

Mr.Yatani assured the finance department at the city hall that there should not be any cause for alarm as no one will lose their jobs.

The decision to have KRA collect revenue on behalf of Nairobi County was arrived at following the signing of the Deed of Transfer between Nairobi County government and the State with the aim of enhancing efficiency and improving revenue collection.

KRA takes on revenue collection Nairobi.


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