Lazarus Chakwera Declared Winner of Presidential Election Re-run In Malawi.


Lazarus Chakwera, an opposition leader  has been announced the winner of presidential vote of election re-run which was held on 23rd June in Malawi. The opposition leader won with 58.57% against the incumbent president Peter Mutharika who garnered 41.43% of the total votes.

This happens after the first election which was conducted in May 2019 was ruled by court as  marred by-poll malpractices. The annulling of the election led to a long period of turbulence and incompatibility between the police and the opposition supporters. This was calmed after the court revoked the presidential results and the court directed the poll agency to conduct another election.

After Kenya, Malawi becomes the second country in Africa to go down into the  books of history for cancelling presidential election.

The opposition leader Lazarus Chakwera is yet to be sworn in as the new president of Malawi.Many political leaders and presidents have congragulated him including our own Prime Minister Raila Odinga. He thanked the people of malawi for the peaceful poll and praised the outgoing president Peter Mutharika for keeping a peaceful enviroment.

Lazarus Chakwera


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