Leonard Mambo Mbotela Hospitalized And Seeks Help For His Ksh.1.1M Bill


On Friday, 13 November, Leonard Mambo Mbotela resorted to Kenyans to help him cover his Ksh1.1 million hospital bill.

In a document signed by human resource manager Stephen Mutavi, the Nairobi South Hospital reported that the journalist had been admitted to the hospital on 29 October 2020.

Mutavi suggested that the unpaid medical bills stood at Ksh1,105,498.78 and had to be paid upon discharge.

“He is due for discharge on Friday 12th November 2020 as per the doctor’s recommendation to continue with homecare treatment, any assistance given towards offsetting this bill will be highly appreciated,” read the letter.

He’s hosting one of the oldest shows, je huu ni ugwana, until today.

The 79-year-old retired in the late 90’s but returned to the air on both KBC TV and radio.

Mbotela’s request comes weeks after Inspector Mwala Actor and Radio Citizen Host Munai General urged Kenyans to help him pay the Ksh2.5 million medical bill at the hospital.



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