Makueni-Based Policewoman In Lawyer’s Murder Case Granted Bail

nancy njeri and onesmus masaku
Nancy Njeri and Onesmus Masaku

Nancy Njeri, a Makueni-based policewoman who allegedly murdered lawyer Onesmus Makau, has been granted bail.

On Tuesday, December 15, Justice David Kenei of Machakos High Court ordered that the policewoman be freed on a cash bail of Ksh.1 million with two guarantees of the same amount.

Njeri was also barred from traveling outside the country without the judge’s permission. The judge ordered the policewoman not to interfere with witnesses in the case. The murder case was adjourned to May 27, 2021.

On Tuesday, November 17, the suspect pleaded not guilty to charges of killing the lawyer.

This was after Justice Kenei ordered her to undergo a compulsory mental examination at Mathari Hospital in Nairobi.

The policewoman allegedly slashed the lawyer’s hands using a machete on Wednesday, October 7.

The lawyer died 11 days later while receiving treatment at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH). In her defense, Njeri claimed that Makau had allegedly tried to rape her.


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