Malik Obama and Larry Madowo feuding over Barack Obama’s birth certificate

Malik Obama and his younger brother former US president Barack Obama

Malik Obama has been trending on Twitter for the wrong reasons. Malik has always been known to be anti to his brother Barack Obama.

He recently shared a birth certificate online claiming it was for his younger brother Barack Obama.

Malik Obama took to Twitter calling out his brother, former US President Barack Obama. He posted the alleged birth certificate claiming that Barack was born in Kenya and not in the Illinois as it is known by many.


Barack Obama’s sister Auma came to his brother’s defence and claimed that Malik was filled with jealousy.

blindly consumed by jealousy and bitterness that you will go to any length to slander your younger brother’s name- literally! Just because he outshone you in EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of his life. Seek relevance elsewhere big bro,” she responded to Malik Obama.

“Long before he even knew he would be President my little brother visited his fatherland and was embraced by all!!! Malik, you took center stage in welcoming him,” read her other tweet.

Laeru Madowo also came to her defence and wrote;

The birth certificate Malik is reshairing has been floating around the internet for years and is an obvious forgery. But Malik has made a name for  himself in American conservative circles by being the antiObama. Yet Malik was Baracks’s best man when he married Michelle.


Malik then clapped back at Larry Madowo by posting a photo of a man dressed like a woman. The original photo was of Lupita, which he photoshopped Larry Madowo’s head and dressed him like a woman.

Malik Obama and his younger brother former US president Barack Obama

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