Man Threatens to Kill His Boss with a Machete Over Four Months Salary Delay [Video]

man threatens boss with a machete over unpaid salary
man threatens boss with a machete over unpaid salary

Tough times as many companies across the country close down operations leaving Kenyans stranded and depressed. Others have sought alternative measures to cope with the current economic situation.

In the midst of all the Covid-19 drama, today a man threatened to kill his boss with a machete over four months delayed salary payment.

In the video below, the man his seen wielding a panga demanding his salary while shouting at the man recording the video who is believed to be his boss.

The boss assures the man that his salary will be paid but he has to go through proper paperwork.

The man continues shouting “nataka mshahara yangu” as he promises to kill his boss before the police arrive.



The man on the video above has been pronounced dead after this incidence. He committed suicide by jumping off Nyali bridge. Depression is real. Corona doesn’t make it any better. Praying for family and friends wherever they are.

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