Meet Victoria Rubadiri’s teenage daughter


At 18, our huge and greatest fear is usually where to party over the weekend and which drinks are pocket-friendly yet safe, but at 18 Victoria Rubadiri was dealing with a whole different ball game.She got pregnant, and she opened up to the True Love Magazine.

After moving to the states at the tender age of 10, she found it hard to fit into the new culture and she became withdrawn, enveloped in a cocoon and when she opened up to someone she opened up to a guy who got her pregnant. Scared, she decided to terminate the pregnancy but her dad intervened.

At first, her baby’s father rejected the pregnancy but with time they were able to build an amicable relationship and next year the two will be flying off to New Jersey to visit her daughter’s father.

She says that the father-daughter relationship is great and he supports her on her decision to move back to Kenya to make a living for their daughter. In addition, her baby daddy also cheers her on in all her ventures.

For a very long time the powerhouse TV/Media Victoria  Rubadiri personality has always kept her daughter under wraps, and always protected her daughter’s space and social media appearance with all her might.

In what she dubbed as the dimple squad, she shared a photo of her father and the daughter, and wow don’t they just look alike!

Victoria Rubadiri is definitely doing an awesome job raising her daughter.. and her relationship with her father and now her daughter who is the granddaughter looks so amazing, one that could be admired.

Good job Victoria!

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