Mombasa Law Court Orders Tycoon To Pay Ksh 1.8B To Government

Mombasa Law Courts
Mombasa Law Courts

A High Court in Mombasa has ordered a tycoon to refund sh 1.8 billion to government that had been paid by the National Lands Commission (NLC) as compensation.

The Miritini Free Port Ltd, firm owned by Mohamed Jaffar was issued an order to refund the money after it appeared the company irregularly received funds in December 2015 during the acquisition of land for the SGR.

In a report by the Standard Justice Eric Ogola ordered NLC to issue notice for recovery of funds paid for the land since it does not belong to Mohamed.

“It is therefore clear the NLC paid part of the compensation money to a wrong party either knowingly or inadvertently. The amount alleged already paid to interested party is said to be sh 1,475,468, 485 plus further interruption amount of ksh 360 million,” ruled Justice Ogola.

The judged blamed the NLC for paying Miritini Free Port Ltd despite knowing there were squatters claiming ownership of the land.

Ministry of lands
Ministry of lands

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