Mother Arrested After Beating Child to Death Over Lost Ksh10


On Sunday, police in Keumbu, Kisii, arrested a 25-year-old woman suspected of killing her nine-year-old daughter after misplacing Sh10 she was sent to buy a chapati with.

The incident occurred in Nyaribari Chache. Police had a hard time restraining villagers who wanted to lynch the suspect.

Her husband was away for work in Nairobi. The deceased was a pupil at Gesare Primary School and was at home for a weekend break.

Calvin Kengara, an area assistant chief, said the money might have gotten lost when the girl wandered into a sugarcane farm on her way to an eatery.

“It is upon returning and attempting to explain what happened that her incensed mother turned on her with a chapati roller hitting her on the head,” the chief said.

According to the chief, the mother had dragged the child from the house where she fled to hide before fatally beating her.

“She beat her until she became unconscious and when she realised she had passed out, she let out a scream alerting neighbours,” Kengara added.

He said when he arrived, he found the daughter lying dead on a chair. The child’s body has been taken to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital mortuary.



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