Muguga Ward MCA Eliud Ngugi Is Dead

Muguga Ward MCA Eliud Ngugi is dead
Muguga Ward MCA Eliud Ngugi is dead

Member of County Assembly in Kiambu County Muguga ward Eliud Ngugi has succumbed to covid-19.

Reports reaching us, indicate the MCA has been battling covid-19 at the Kenyatta University hospital, but succumbed to the virus.

The deceased becomes the sixth politician to have succumbed to the novel coronavirus since the start of the year.

The Education CS had in the past week said the country might experience a third wave which he urged citizens to be more careful.

In the past few days, the number of cases reported have gone up as the number or deaths also seems to be rising day by day.

May his soul rest easy.

Muguga Ward MCA Eliud Ngugi is dead
Muguga Ward MCA Eliud Ngugi is dead

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