Museveni Cancels His Presidential Campaign Over Rising COVID-19 Cases


President Yoweri Museveni has suspended his campaign following an increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the country.

Museveni, who is among the 11 candidates who have been approved to run for the top seat, has advised his opponents to fall into line to avoid endangering the lives of Ugandans.

” Current circumstances (COVID-19) do not allow me to do rallies because the health of the people is a priority. Although I am campaigning, I call upon my other colleagues to desist from endangering our people no matter the reason,” Museveni stated.

Museveni insisted that the disease was very real and does not discriminate between young and old.

“This disease does not discriminate between young and old as it’s falsely believed. Therefore, the ones in charge should see to it that Ugandans’ lives are protected. COVID-19 is VERY REAL,” he added.



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