“Mwanaume atulizwi na mtoto!”mama Dangote claps back after Tanasha’s interview

Tanasha and mama Dangote
Tanasha and mama Dangote

Tanasha Donna spoke about her break up with Diamond Platinumz a few days ago.

She had a lot to say from the fact that from six months ago she had been trying to patch things up with Diamond who just wasn’t interested.

She went ahead and said that Mama Dangote, Diamond’s mother was always all up in her business. The mother never seemed to leave his son’s relationship at peace.

She even used to post things about them and Tanasha didn’t seem to had liked it.

Sandra Kassim popularly known as Mama Dangote who has been accused of contributing to Diamond’s breakups with three baby mamas; Tanasha Donna, Zari Hassan And Hamissa Mobetto.

The controlling mother-in-law, and chibu’s cheating traits, finally succeeded in seeing Tanasha close doors behind Diamond’s life.

Fans then took to Twitter to lash the Mother of Diamond who chose to maintain low profile; only for her to speak this past weekend.

The superstars mother went on to share a video of Gigi money; talking about women who use children to make men settle down!

It seems that the video was aimed at Tanasha Donna who outed some of the secrets about mama Dangote!

Tanasha and Mama Dangote
Tanasha and Mama Dangote’s Birthday Ad

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