Nairobi Amongst 7 Counties To Lose Ksh.2B Funding


Nairobi is one of the seven counties that are expected to lose Ksh2.2 billion of support from the Danish Government for the Universal Health Coverage.

The seven counties risk losing funding after either not completely using the funds or failing to file an audit report.

The Danish International Development Agency (Danida) wrote to the Council of Governors (CoG) stating that some of the seven counties had unspent cash and did not allocate cash to hospitals.

“However, the auditors noted that the seven counties and Isiolo are not eligible for further funding.

“Isiolo County is included in the list, but if it does not fulfil the health budget allocation requirement, then it should be removed from the list of the eligible counties,” read a statement.

Nairobi, Kilifi and Meru have failed to provide their audit details on the spending of foreign funding.

Trans Nzoia had the largest amount of unused Ksh486,000 in counties, and Homa Bay also had Ksh115,000 in its coffers, while Kwale had Ksh14,000 in its coffers.


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