Nairobi County Shuts Down All Government offices Offering Non-essential Services

Image of City Hall
Image of City Hall

Nairobi County has shut down all government offices offering non-essential services for the 30 days.

According to a report released, the order to close the offices was informed by the recent announcement issued by President Uhuru Kenyatta indicating the county accounted for 57 percent of all the positive cases in Kenya.

During the announcement of the closure of the Nairobi County offices, Deputy Governor Anne Kananu noted it was necessary to curb the spread of the virus.

“The County Government of Nairobi will therefore close its non-essential offices for 30 days, in strict compliance with the 15th presidential address on the pandemic and the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 protocols.

“This is a carefully considered measure to help curtail the spread of Covid-19,” said Kananu.

This came in as the country’s total positive cases rose to 130,214 as of Sunday March 28.

The 884 new cases were recorded from a sample size of 5,377 in a period of 24 hours raising total tests to 1,468,835 with Nairobi county leading with 509 cases.

Image of City Hall
Image of City Hall

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