Nairobi Members Of County Assembly (MCAs) Cut Development Money To Fund Car Grant

MCAs at statehouse during a meeting
MCAs at statehouse during a meeting

Nairobi Members of County Assembly (MCAs) on Thursday March 11, slashed Ksh1.1 billion meant for development purposes to fund car grants.

The ward representatives during the assembly meeting approved a supplementary budget that reduced allocations to various county sectors so they could pool Ksh246 million to purchasing automobiles.

In addition to financing the car grants, the sector cuts will also fund Ksh19.7 million for the committee’s quarterly retreats and Ksh17 million for county assembly’s sports association tournament.

“That in order to fully finance the transfer of Ksh246 million to cater for car grants, the development budget for the County Assembly Service Board be reduced by Ksh500 million and the recurrent expenditure for liquor licencing board be reduced by Ksh75 million,” said the Budget and Appropriation committee Chairperson Robert Mbatia.

MCAs at statehouse during a meeting
MCAs at statehouse during a meeting

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