Netflix Grilled Over Its New Movie Cuties

Netflix New Movie Cuties
Netflix New Movie Cuties

The streaming platform Netflix, has been greatly criticized after releasing a poster for their upcoming movie dubbed ‘Cutie’. Fans have come out to criticize it for hyper sexualizing children.

The film trailer that was rolled out on 19th August 2020 received a lot of criticism from parents across the world. They even went ahead to file a take-down petition before its official premier.

The fact that an 11 year old girl was set to star on a movie full of twerking and adult rated scenes angered many.

It came out as pedophilic to most people as they set to condemn the film.


Netflix were forced to change the movie description to:

” Eleven-year-old Amy, starts to rebel against her conservative family’s tradition when she becomes fascinated with a free-spirited dance crew”


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