Nobody can stop reggae: Uhuru and Raila at UB40 concert

uhuru at UB concert
uhuru at UB concert

President Uhuru Kenyatta and former prime minister Raila Odinga took a break from their hectic schedules and joined revelers at the Carnivore Grounds for the UB40 concert.

Several videos captured at the event showed President Kenyatta alongside Citizen TV journalist, Jeff Koinange, singing and dancing along to the celebrated reggae band’s tunes.

In the videos, President Kenyatta seemed to be completely in sync with the music and the strike of every guitar rewired his thinking each time.

A few years ago, as a guest on Churchill Show, the president revealed his deeply rooted love for reggae music, with all the names on his list falling in that genre of music.

“I’m stuck in a certain age, my favorite musicians are UB40, Gregory Isaac and Bob Marley…” he said.

Odinga, who also appears to appreciate reggae, has lately included some element of reggae in BBI rallies, with Lucky Dube’s Nobody Can Stop Reggae a favourite rallying call.

During the day Odinga had attended a BBI rally in Kitui county where he was joined by a host of governors, senators, MPs, and MCAs to sell the BBI agenda.

President Kenyatta, on the other hand, spent the better part of his day in Kirinyaga and Meru counties to inspect government projects as well as interacting with locals.

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