Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu Slams Former CJ Maraga, And Willy Mutunga

Former CJ wily Mutunga, Nyeri Mp Ngunjiri and Cj Maraga
Former CJ wily Mutunga, Nyeri Mp Ngunjiri and Cj Maraga

Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu on Wednesday, June 9, slammed two former Chief Justices after they relayed their views on President Uhuru Kenyatta rejecting six of the judges that had been recommended to him by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

In a statement, Ngunjiri accused the duo, Willy Mutunga and David Maraga, of being the cause of disunity between the judiciary and the two other arms of government.

The legislator, a close ally of the president, added that the two were trying to intimidate the president into appointing the six by releasing press statements and going to the press.

“CJ Mutunga and CJ Maraga should just shut up…They established the thinking that the Judiciary is independent and not a part of government,” Wambugu begun.

“They imagined themselves to be above the President in terms of the pecking order of government,” he added.

Wambugu’s statement came just hours after Maraga accused the president of ruining careers and the lives of the rejected judges.

Former CJ wily Mutunga, Nyeri Mp Ngunjiri and Cj Maraga
Former CJ wily Mutunga, Nyeri Mp Ngunjiri and Cj Maraga

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