One Patient Has Recoverd From Covid-19


AS  25 confirmed cases of the Corona virus.Today Kenya received confirmation of an additional 3 new cases, bringing our national tally to 28 confirmed cases.

Amidst this trend, the president was pleased to announce that numerous other suspected cases have been found to be negative after rigorous testing.  More importantly,one recovery was registered from  the patients. This is a clear indication that we can and we will beat the virus.

Many more persons, both Kenyans and Foreigners, remain under close monitoring under either self-quarantine or compulsory-quarantine; measures which have been taken to ensure the safety of all our people.

The president assured the country that as a government, at both the National and County Levels,  implementation on strict evaluation and monitoring protocol, designed to proactively seek out and test persons who may be carriers of this virus.

He assured Kenyan that the government is enhancing its testing and quarantine capacity on a day-to-day basis, as supported by the development partners and international organizations.

We are grateful to Kenya’s friends like Jack Ma, who yesterday donated testing kits and other equipment’s.

As the cure of the pandemic remains a ghost Kenyans are required to take government precaution measures.


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