Only Seven Members of Parliament Allowed To Travel In The New Tough Rules

Only seven MPs will be allowed to travel for field visits or public hearings on matters before the National Assembly departmental committees.
Speaker Justin Muturi

Only seven MPs will be allowed to travel for field visits or public hearings on matters before the National Assembly departmental committees.

National assembly Speaker Justin Muturi, in the tough rules to curb spending by MPs, has asked them to form sub-committees for undertaking such trips.

Also Muturi has directed all chairpersons of committees and staff assigned to such committees will be required to preside over meetings from the precincts of Parliament.

“The chairpersons of a committee shall be physically present in the meeting room in the precincts of Parliament or at a venue approved by the Speaker for holding meetings,” reads the new protocols.

He has also warned the lawmakers against aiding, facilitating or permitting strangers to contribute or listen in to committee deliberations.

Parliament has been spending up millions in local and foreign trips, and the Speaker’s move is seen as a bold attempt to contain the spending.

Only seven MPs will be allowed to travel for field visits or public hearings on matters before the National Assembly departmental committees.
Speaker Justin Muturi

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