Opinion: How did Papa Dennis acquire his wealth so quickly? Shock!!

Late Papa Dennis and ex Manager Sadat Muhindi
Late Papa Dennis and ex Manager Sadat Muhindi

Don’t get me wrong. Whenever I come across something interesting and worth sharing, I do so. This is a story I came across on social media. I do not own the rights, but hell yeah, it speaks something.

To start with, This young man Papa Dennis just showed up dead the other night after falling from a 7 storey building.

Police say everything indicates that he committed suicide. I believe he did!

I once had an appointment with a certain politician and halfway through our meeting, he told me he was expecting a guest for a 10 minute briefing. This was at Panafric Hotel.

The guest arrived and it was Papa Dennis.

The politician, a sitting senator, walked up to another table and they sat speaking in hushed tones for about 15 minutes before the young man left. Papa Dennis didn’t immediately leave the premises, but went to make a call in the front parking yard.

I left the hotel 15 minutes later and caught him entering his vehicle, a white Land Cruiser V8. And it was brand new.

Had I have been naive and dumb as a dodo, I’d have thought maybe his music was doing so well he had bought his cars and jewellery with his sweat.

Papa Dennis was discovered not many years ago by MP Alfred Keter in Kitale, Matunda while with Saddat Muhindi of Maliza Umaskini .

Now, if you know Saddat, you’d know why I’d be worried. This gentleman is the reason Ray C checked into rehab severally, abused drugs, became a psycho and dropped out of mainstream music. Ray C was once east Africa’s Beyonce.

Papa Dennis became so wealthy quickly that he would be known to have close to 100M in his accounts. His bank balance allowed him expensive music videos running to tens of millions and collabos with big names like Mr Flavor etc.

Did his music pay for this?

We know this industry. It can make you some tidy sums. But not disposable 100M in few years yet you’re not flying off the shelves and booked month to month.

Papa Dennis met rich Arabian royals, African royals and everyone in between.

But Papa Dennis was doing menial work not so long back. He is an orphan who lived off a slum at some point. He had no formal education nor skillsets to make him leap frog. He had some talent. I can’t say the was the best vocalist in Kenya. But he had a personal story that was attractive to manipulators. They realised he didn’t have much of a support system.

Money laundering is my first suspect.

Narcos is my other suspect.

dubai papa denis
Dubai billionaire offers singer Papa Dennis millions for project – SDE 4years Back.

This young boy was left by Saddat Muhindi and reports are that he has been disturbed since. His resources quickly dried up and he was suddenly woke to the reality that music doesn’t pay that much anyway.

He died without a coin on him. Zero balance.

He didn’t even invest in a music shop or DJ equipment, seeing that expecting him to buy government bonds and stock market trading would have been too complicated for him.

All he bought were depreciating assets and disposables. Were they even registered in his name?

He died. Miserable. Alone. Broke. Broken.

Young people, the traditional money making ways is still the best way out of poverty. It takes time but it pays off. If you must make shortcuts in life, be very strategic and clever about it, because in the long run, your survival skills and mental stamina is what you will have left.

Seeing what this young despot called Bahati is doing to those he signs at EMB records and what Mwalimu Rachel is doing to sailors, you’ll realise that the cycle of manipulations continue generation after generation.

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