Paid for insults!! This could be the best business ever.This is what caroline Mutoko did to this blogger just for insulting her

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If everybody could emulate Caroline Mutoko’s style of paying bloggers who are insulting them instead of suing them, then Kenya could be a better place!

Twitter bigwig Cyprian Nyakundi launched a surprise online onslaught on Caroline Mutoko and Maina Kageni catching them by surprise.

The blogger claimed the two Radio Africa’s journalists were propagating moral decadency by poisoning the minds of women with unacceptable vice.

Yesterday, Caroline hit back at Nyakundi with a rather soft tone even offering to pay him Kes 10,000 for taking shots at her.

Caroline’s decision to offer money to Nyakundi is not a bribe but rather a mockery. Keyboard warriors are said to be paid Kes 10,000 to tarnish anyone’s name.

Bloggers are now referred to as ‘guns for hire’ because they allegedly offer their services to the highest bidder to make a living.

Caroline wrote Nyakundi a Kes 10,000 cheque. She’s yet to reveal whether the she will mail it to him or if Nyakundi would be picking it himself!

Here is a mail Mutoko sent to the blogger.

I hear one must pay young Nyakundi for him to do a story on them. I must have missed the invoice. Totally unacceptable and inexcusable on our part.I’m so embarrassed. Struggling bloggers must be paid. They have bills like everyone else.Please ask the young one, to drop by our offices and collect his cheque for 10k.That’s for me and Maina. I think his going rate is about 5k.

Caroline Mutoko

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