Persons with Albinism Slam Murathe Over Offensive TV Remarks

Jubilee Vice-Chairman David Murathe

The Albinism Society of Kenya has condemned Jubilee Vice-chairperson David Murathe over his remarks against former Nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura.

In a statement, the society stated that Murathe’s comments on KTNNews’ “Crossfire” program suggesting that having a skin pigmentation should be viewed as any other complexion and not as a disability is uncalled for.

“The pigment of somebody’s skin is not a disability. There is nothing that I can do that Mwaura cannot do, there is nothing that Gachagua can do that Mwaura cannot do, there is nothing that Mwaura can do that we cannot do. In fact, we are going to revisit the definition of persons living with disabilities,” Murathe stated.

The organisation explained that persons with albinism living in Kenya had gone through a struggle to have albinism legally recognized as a disability.

This incident comes months after almost similar utterances were made by Suna East MP Junet Mohammed who claimed that  Mwaura ‘bleached’ his skin so that he could be nominated to parliament.

The MP was later forced to issue an apology after his remarks on albinism caused widespread uproar.

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