Prominent Constitutional Lawyer Nzamba Kitonga Is Dead

Phillip Nzamba Kitonga

Prominent Constitutional lawyer Philip Nzamba Kitonga passed away on Saturday night, October 24, at the age of 64.

The family revealed that the highly esteemed lawyer collapsed while attending a burial in Kitui and was pronounced dead after being rushed to Shalom Hospital in Machakos.

News of his demise resulted in nation-wide outpouring messages of condolences.

“Philip Nzamba Kitonga was a fine intellectual and a legal giant who was deeply devoted to the democratic process, bringing about much-needed reforms to our country through the new constitution.

“A man of gregarious personality, Senior Counsel Kitonga was modest yet a gifted and far-sighted leader who was genuinely committed to public service and social justice. We will remember most his resolute belief to pursue what is right,” reads Deputy President William Ruto’s condolence message.

The untimely death of Senior Counsel Kitonga came as a huge blow to the legal fraternity and the country, coming at a time when the document he helped draft is undergoing a review under the Building Bridges Initiative jointly led by President Uhuru Kenyatta and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

“I have received with deep shock news of the passing of Dr Nzamba Kitonga, one of our country’s eminent lawyers, a first-rate legal mind and fighter for constitutionalism. Dr Kitonga consistently interpreted the constitution to make sure it grew with our people and our nation,” Raila stated.

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