Raila Urges UhuruRuto to Work Together For The Sake of Kenyans

Raila Odinga
Raila Odinga

The former prime minister Raila Odinga has urged President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto, to co-exist for the sake of Kenyans.

The ODM party leader noted the difference between the president and his deputy was not strange as it has happened to other countries that share the same system of governance as Kenyan.

The premier gave an example of Nigeria and how President Obasanjo was not in good terms with his deputy Aboubakar Atiko but had to Co-exist for the reminder of there term.

On insight, the premier noted that the situation between the president and his deputy is something that would require a re-look in the constitution.

He also noted there is a need to check on whether the president should appoint his deputy to mitigate such a situation if any dissatisfaction arises.

Raila Odinga
Raila Odinga


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