Samburu Senator Steve Lelegwe Attacked By Gunmen

Samburu Senator Steve Lelegwe
Samburu Senator Steve Lelegwe in a parliament sitting

Samburu Senator Steve Lelegwe was attacked by gunmen who shot at his vehicle on his way from a meeting in Samburu North.

Lelegwe said he was heading to Mararal when the gunmen ambushed his bodyguards along the highway.

“I was on my way to Maralal when we were attacked. It was a lucky escape and nobody was injured during the incident,” he told reporters.

The Senator reported the incident at Maralal Police Station.

As investigations began, Samburu Central Sub-County Police Commander Alex Rotich presumed that the gunmen were not targeting the governor.

“We are still investigating, but preliminary results suggest that they are highway robbers who had no sinister motive against Senator Lelegwe,” Rotich said.

Police officers are patrolling the area to search for loose ends left by the attackers.

The gang was said to have been made up of highway bandits who are rampant in the area.

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