Youths Protest on Police Brutality During Saba Saba Day as Others get Arrested.

Saba Saba protest on police brutality
Saba Saba protest on police brutality

As activists and non-governmental organisations mark the Saba Saba day, Kenyans took to the street of Nairobi to demonstrate on police brutality in Kenya.

Kenyans have always marked this day by demanding for a good and just governance, proper accountability and service delivery.

There has been a heavy security deployment in Nairobi as police have engaged in arresting youths picketing peacefully for their rights. More youths have been arrested and others released on bail as protest continues in Nairobi.

Youths have taken to the street chanting strong messages on police brutality like HAKI YETU sending strong statements of awareness to the government and other related organisation which is bound by the constitution of Kenya in article 37.

protest in Kenya during the saba saba day


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