Slain Businessman Kevin Omwenga Buried, Brother Demands Justice

Kevin Omwenga
Kevin Omwenga

Businessman Kevin Omwenga finally laid to rest at his rural home in Kitutu chache Constituency, Kisii county a week after he was shot dead.

The 28-year-old was shot by Robert Bodo Ouko over a deal gone wrong.

Robert Ouko was later arrested alongside Chris Obure whose Ceska pistol was used in the shooting.

The deceased’s family and friends appealed for justice saying his untimely death was regrettable.

“Let justice be done for my brother. I raised Kevin after the death of our father. The one who shot you knows why he did so. God will deal with him in his best way,” said Wycliffe the brother to Kevin.

Kevin Omwenga
Kevin Omwenga

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