Speaker Kenneth Lusaka Declares Isaac Mwaura’s Seat Vacant

isaac mwaura
Nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura

Senate Speaker Ken Lusaka has declared the seat held by nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura vacant.

This follows a decision by Jubilee Party to expel Mwaura after he was accused of campaigning for a candidate of a different political party.

“It is notified for the information of the public that pursuant to Article103 (1) (e) (i) of the Constitution and section 37 of the Elections Act, the seat of the Member of the Senate elected under Article 98 (1) (d) of the Constitution and held by Hon. Isaac Mwaura Maigua became vacant, with effect from the 7th May, 2021,” the notice read.

Mr. Mwaura’s expulsion was temporarily halted in late March by the High Court in Nairobi after he filed a petition to challenge his dismissal, which was based on disciplinary violations.

“That pending the hearing and determination of this application inter partes, the first respondent, 2nd respondent, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) and the Speaker of the Senate be and hereby barred from implementing the decision of the 1st and 2nd respondent,” read the ruling.



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