Magufuli To Tanzanian Farmers: Hike Food Prices For Neighbouring Countries!

president Magufuli
president Magufuli

Since the pandemic started, Kenya closed its borders to almost every country and would only allow trucks to come through the borders.

As from March, Uganda also went into total lockdown but not Tanzania. Their president never bothered to put any safety measures in place. Instead, heavily doubted his national laboratory’s ability to provide accurate test results.

Tanzania’s dictatorial president purports to have food and acts like other countries would go begging for it.

Recently, president Magufuli had some inciting words for his people. He said, “Let’s take care of our farms and if we have to sell to other countries, we should sell at a high price, extremely high prices. Charge them as much as you want.” Fallacy.

Funnily, Some Tanzanians could blindly follow his advise and end up with rotten food in their stores. Mr. Magufuli is making it difficult to live with his neighbours.

In Kenya, the CS of Agriculture Peter Munya told Kenyans to rather depend on their farms and produce vegetables for themselves to fill the deficit left.

Uganda is yet to respond to the situation.


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