Tanzania’s Coronavirus cases shoot to 480 as 196 more people test positive for the virus


On Wednesday morning, Tanzania announced that its Coronavirus cases has risen to 480 after an additional 196 people tested positive in both the mainland and Zanzibar.

Tanzania’s Prime Minister Kassim Majliwa made the announcement. He also said that 48 people had recovered bringing the number of recoveries to 167.

In terms of distribution of the new cases, 174 of them are from the mainland while 22 of them were tested in Zanzibar.

In additional 6 more  people have died bringing the number of deaths to 16.

The prime Minister  cautioned Tanzanians against spreading fake news about deaths noting that not all people who lose their lives are succumbing to Coronavirus.

Tanzania has been registering a high increase in the number of infections in the last few weeks and this has been contributed by failure to take strict measures in in curbing the Coronavirus.

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