Tedd Josiah calls out Jalang’o and his boys’ club


Tedd Josiah is not pleased with boys’ club at all. Tedd is known as the dad mum and is raising a girl single handedly since his wife Regina died.

Tedd being a father to a daughter he was ofcourse pissed off by the boys’ club behavior of passing around girls among them and called them out.

He took to Instagram and wrote;

You’re a CELEBRITY meaning you are CELEBRATED…. for what? For deeming women? For drinking yourself stupid? For all the drugs you can consume? Who what??? Now brothers when you become predators attacking vulnerable women with your little money just because you know they need it and you can use your cash to hurt, misuse and abuse them know this.

He further warned them that God will take the money away from them. He also added that God will take away their celebrity status.

God can and will take that money you are using as a tool to hurt other people. He can and will take that celebrity status you are using to hurt other people. Also, he can and will bring you to your “road to Damascus” and trust me like Saul you will become Paul.

He warned them against testing God.

DONT TEST GOD just because you are a “Celeb” DONT!

He father added that men should raise their daughters to know better.

Let’s raise our daughters to know better men and know men can be better than this……

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