Telkom Set To Provide Internet At No Cost

Garissas member of Parliament Sophia
Garissas member of Parliament Sophia

The Telkom Set To Provide Internet At No Cost telecommunications guru, has come out to partner with Garissa’s member of Parliament Sophia Abdi Noor’s organization to offer free internet service to hospitals around Garissa. The move has since seen three companies partner namely, Telkom Kenya, A-Vu Media (from USA) and Sophia Foundation.

The A-Vu Media company, stepped in and donated a Telemedicine Server to Sophia Foundation and Telkom chipped in to offer the free internet connectivity. According to the MP, she claimed that the move will enhance healthcare in the area.

“Today marks a historic milestone for the people of Ijara Constituency, Garissa County and Kenyans at large as I hand over a telemedicine server to Telkom Kenya. This is an opportunity to improve healthcare for our citizens with remote connections between providers and patients through internet hosted services,” she said.

She added: “The need for this, as necessary as it has always been, has been intensified by the current coronavirus pandemic that restricts travel and personal contact between medical personnel and patients.”

Garissas member of Parliament Sophia
Garissas member of Parliament Sophia

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