The Late Ntimama’s Wife Seeks Ksh112M To Pay Medical Bills

The late MP and former Minister William ole Ntimama

Mrs Dorcas Pedelai Ntimama, the widow of the late MP William ole Ntimama, wants the High Court to grant her access to her Ksh112 million share managed by a private insurance company.

She wants the court to order the release of her share of the Ksh2 billion estate to cater for her medical bills.

Her lawyer, Omwanza Ombati, filed documents at the High Court stating that her medical condition could not allow her to wait for a decision to be made by the court on a case concerning access to her entitlement.

The widow was denied access to a Ksh100 million fund left by the deceased politician over a dispute with her son-in-law.

Ntimama directed the fund to be managed by his late daughter, Vivian Ntimama, who was to inherit it if her mother, Pedelai Ntimama, passed away.

However, Vivian succumbed to a heart attack on January 31 2020. Vivian’s husband, Erick Kimani, is said to have denied Mrs Dorcas access to the money after she asked for Ksh 50 million for upkeep.

The duo’s effort to settle the matter out of court was unsuccessful, as both parties could not come to an agreement.

Appearing before the court, Kimani argued that Pedelai did not wish to seek his consent.

The insurance firm managing the Ksh 100 million fund has sued both parties. The firm stated that the two had issued contradicting requests for the release of the funds.

The late Narok North MP, William Ole Ntimama with his wife Dorcas 

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