This is the “Mollis” Audio Clip that make rounds on social media

mollis i sullender
mollis i sullender

The social media especially twitter has been a buzz with the hashtag #mollis. You may be wondering who or what Mollis is. Well, this hashtag began after what seem to be a sound clip of a romp between couples whom one is called Morris AKA “Mollis.”

This clip fellow gossips, raised varied reactions from KOT members who were not even at the actual scene. Some trying to equate the clip with a rape while others think the lady was moaning and feeling the action, hence the words like “Mollis, I salender.” coming from her.

Personally, I wouldn’t want to think it was a date rape because at the beginning of the clip, the girl is heard asking Mollis: “Babes, ulikua wapi nilikua nakutafta sikupati?” Mollis is heard respoding by saying, “Ulikua unanitafta niku fffffffffff?”  Listen to the audio above and make your own conclusion, perhaps i heard a different thing.

Below are some reactions from KOT members.

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