Two Women Appeal To Uhuru After Repairing Road For 2 Years

Uhuru Kenyatta

Two women who have been repairing potholes in Karunga in Elburgon Town, Nakuru County, are now seeking the intervention of Deputy President William Ruto and President Uhuru Kenyatta.

One of the women stated that they have been fixing potholes on the road for two years and asked the politicians to step in and offer them paying jobs after working for free for a long time.

“We are here making the road to help travelers because the road has been in a bad state. We were waiting in vain for the road to be repaired. It is our hope that the contractor will employ us since we have been fixing the road for a long time,” One of the women narrated.

“We are asking for help from Ruto and Uhuru. We have been waiting for them, hoping that they will one day pass by the road and help us get a paying job,” they said.

They also stated that they encountered difficulties in their line of work, including being assaulted.



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