Wahu to her social media followers; stop sending messages on what i should do!


Singet Wahu is best known as a role model to many for so many reasons including holding up her family dsspite the celebrity status of them all , her husband Nameless and herself. They celebrated there 14th anniversary sometime last year.

Also wahu runs the afro siri saloon that has been in the market for so long, a business that now is getting flooded by the Kenyan celebrity ladies some of which have not stood the test of time but for Wahu she keeps on keeping on and also holding up her singing career. Going to her Facebook page she wrote;

I intentionally work towards living my life outside any conventional boxes….the societal expectations, the “mĂčtarataras….” the “huku kunaendaga hivis”….those are like little prisons… dont know about you, but I ain’t nobody’s prisoner 😌. ..
Bora I ain’t breaking the law of the land and I’m constantly striving to walk closer with my God and living in harmony with others, and my family is ok, the rest are details.
So please dont be dm-ing me about what you think I should or should not do… quite frankly, and I mean this in the nicest way….It doesn’t matter too much 😇. I’m intentionally doing me. I’m not perfect… not an angel…I dont know it all… but I’m doing me..and me..may not necessarily be what you expect. Please be ok with that. Lets do ourselves a favour and strive to become the best versions of ourselves… not what is “expected” of us.
Cheers đŸ„‚


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