8 Injured As A Lorry Rams Into Vehicles In Dundori Nakuru

Dundori accident
Dundori accident

Three have been reported dead while eight others injured at Dundori Trading centre, Nakuru county in a greasy road accident.

It is said the driver of the lorry lost control and rammed into 10 cars. It hit several cars before ploughing into a roadside market

Nakuru North sub-county police commander Jecinta Mwarania claimed some of the survivors were rushed to J.M Kariuki Memorial Hospital in Ol Kalau, Nyandarua County and Nakuru county Referral Hospital.

It is also said the brakes of truck which was ferrying logs from Dundori kwa kiongo area may have failed  causing the accident.

Jecinta also stated the lorry was overloaded and urged transporters to observe traffic rules. Early this year a similar scene occurred at the same area killing six people.

Dundori accident
Dundori accident

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