Ruto Set To Visit Mombasa After Residents Complain

Deputy President William Ruto
Deputy President William Ruto

A report by a local publication has revealed Deputy President William Ruto will be headed to the coast region to sort out land problems in the region.

This comes after a number of Mombasa residents incriminated the government for turning a blind eye to issues of squatters,poverty.and inadequate land.

It has always been brought to the public’s attention how few people own huge ranches at the expense of locals who claim their land was alienated from them.

The Nyali MP revealed Ruto was going to meet the coast people and give an ear to them.

“It will be a big entrourage when Ruto arrives here. It is basically a coast business issue and no politics,” said MOhamed Ali, Nyali MP.

“We are addressing our issues. He is a good man and will listen to us. We are a hustler’s nation and we are growing big. Mombasa has been marginalized and we are suffering. We want roads and schools, good hospitals but those in the national government have forgotten us,” he added.

Tomorrow the DP is set to land in Mombasa for a 2-day marathon meeting consisting all kinds of leaders.

Nyali MP
Nyali MP

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