Alfred Mutua to officially Launch His 2022 Presidential CAMPAIGN in 2020.



As we usher in a new decade and year 2020, I wish to share 10 points: wrote the governor on his Facebook page;
1. The year 2019 has been and will always be a year of ups and downs for Kenya. From the handshake, political stability and the BBI, many infrastructural developments to politics of corruption and serious economic challenges, it has been a revealing year about ourselves and our aspirations.

2. Kenyans have felt broke – business communities are hurting and the creation of jobs has been SLOW. The gap between the rich and the poor seems to be expanding. Financially, it has been tough.

3. The year 2020 will be a TURNING POINT and a year of FORCED change for our country. Systems to make us progress will have to be set up. Kenya does not belong to one or two individuals or families. It belongs to all of us.

4. I will officially launch my CAMPAIGN to be the next PRESIDENT of Kenya in 2022. I will show Kenyans that it is possible for a child to be born in the villages, to dream, work hard with a pure heart and achieve his or her dream. I will offer Kenyans a new way of looking at the world and doing things. We CANNOT continue thinking and doing things the same way and expecting different results. Our Time Has Come.

5. From 2020 onwards, I urge Wananchi to ask themselves: Are we getting VALUE FOR OUR VOTES? Is the leader you elected serving you or is he or she busy politicking and fighting in sycophantic competition of greed? Did you vote for yourself and your life and future or just for your tribe and a wave? Why are you broke and struggling? What is the VALUE FOR YOUR VOTE?

6. In 2020, I urge the Chief Justice to set new rules or laws passed for CORRUPTION cases trials. I propose that from the time a plea is taken, a corruption case should be concluded and ruling delivered within six (6) months or the case collapses. This will show Wananchi the country is serious about fighting graft as thieves are locked up and it will also be fair to the accused, some who may be acquitted. CORRUPTION is like a poisonous snake constantly biting our children with venom. I really dislike, even hate corrupt people, because I know we suffer and are poor because of a few greedy people.

7. In 2020, for there to be creation of jobs, money in circulation and in our pockets, we will require a RAPID ECONOMIC program. We need a consultative session to discuss how to jumpstart our economy. For us to achieve Rapid Economic change, we need Rapid Development Programs – Maendeleo Chap Chap. It is speedy completed quality projects that benefit us and create wealth.

8. In 2020 let us be FAIR. Kenya, unfortunately, is full of unfair practices. We need better justice everywhere. Let us be more OPTIMISTIC and less critical and skeptical.

9. In 2020. I plan to be RUTHLESS in implementing laws, regulations and getting services rendered to Wananchi properly. I will fight for the rights of the oppressed and ensure greedy people are put in their rightful places.

10. Finally, as we debate who is who and where in 2020, ask yourself, what are some of the characters campaigning for the 2022 Presidency do more for Kenya that they are unable to do NOW in their current powerful positions? What new ideas will they bring ama itakuwa Mambo na WIZI kama kawaida? I, Alfred Mutua offer myself to Kenyans as a FRESH type of leader and humbly ask for your your support..

Rosemary Odinga regains eyesight after two years of being visually impaired.

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