Churchill Show Comedian Othuol Othuol Has Passed Away

Comedian Othuol Othuol
churchill-show-comedian-Othuol Othuol dead

The Churchill show comedian Ben Maurice populary known as Othuol Othuol has passed away while receiving treatment in hospital.

He died after along struggle with brain tumor that saw him in and out of the hospital for the better part of 2020.

In July, the hilarious comedian was diagnosed with Tuberculosis and was admitted at KNH where he was later discharged.

However he was later re-admitted in September and early October. The comedian urged Kenyans to pray for him as he was unable even to eat due to the tumor that caused him alot of pain.

May His soul rest in peace.

Comedian Othuol Othuol
churchill-show-comedian-Othuol Othuol dead

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