Court Awards Woman Ksh.500,000 After Clinic Conducted HIV Test Against Her Will


A woman was granted Ksh500,000 by a court after a clinic performed a HIV test against her will.

It is claimed that the woman, an employee of the state corporation, verbally instructed the medic attending her not to perform a pap smear and HIV test.

She had gone for a health check-up at the clinic, which had been covered by her insurance company.

However, she received a doctor’s email days later containing an attachment to her findings, including her HIV status.

The woman wrote a complaint letter to the doctor, suing the clinic and the insurance company.

The court, led by a six-member tribunal chaired by Helen Namisi, instructed the clinic to compensate Ksh500,000 to the woman for general damages.

In addition, the court ruled that the money would draw interest at court rates if payment was delayed.

The HIV/AIDS Tribunal claimed that the health care provider breached the rights of the patient by performing the test against her will.


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