Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho’s Advisor Dies


The adviser to Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho and Mombasa County Chairman Mohamed Hatimy has passed away.

Hatimy is believed to have succumbed to complications linked to Covid-19 at Mombasa Hospital on Saturday, November 14.

The MCA is one of the seven legislators who is said to have tested positive that contributed to the temporary suspension of the Assembly on 27 October.

“He passed on at 3 am. He was suffering from a lung infection,” Mombasa County Assembly Speaker Ibrahim Khatri stated.

The ODM party confirmed the news on its social media accounts, mourning Hatimy as a great man and leader.

“A beautiful soul has stopped beating. A great man has fallen. The ODM family has lost a good man and leader. 

Hon. Mohamed Hatimy, our Mombasa County Chairman and a second-term nominated MCA in the County Assembly of Mombasa is dead. We shall miss you kiongozi,” read a statement from ODM Party.

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