Gordwins Agutu Who Blew Whistle On KeMSA Scandal Has Been Arrested

Gordwins Agutu
Gordwins Agutu

Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) detectives have arrested Gordwins Agutu who gave a hint on the Kemsa scandal.

He was taken into custody on Wednesday, September 30 after being accused  of being part of a gang which allegedly impersonated EACC and KRA officers to abduct a businessman in Nairobi.

It is said the court heard Agutu alongside two other suspects took sh 2 million bribe from the businessman.

“Using two Prados the three suspects; Godwins Otieno Agutu, Alex Mutua Mutuku and Ken Gichovi Kimathi alongside three others who are still at large, stormed the victim’s offices within Nairobi on September 26 after which they took a laptop…,” DCI stated.

The investigations further claimed 3 days later, the suspects reportedly abducted the businessman and drove him to Lutheran House.

The victim was forced to contact his family members to get the money sh 500,000 which the family managed to raise.

However in his defense, Agutu said he was an anti-corruption crusader serving as the CEO of the Network Action Against Corruption (NAAC).

Network Action against Corruption NAAC Director Gordwins Agutu
Network Action against Corruption NAAC Director Gordwins Agutu
Gordwins Agutu
Gordwins Agutu

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